In this uncertain economy, the only certain investment is in the human soul. And the best entrance to that soul, along with music, dance, and heavy-duty meditation, is the visual arts, which have the capability of lifting without energy, moving without locomotion, cooking without heat, stirring without a spoon, and other certified "green" techniques, guaranteed to help save the planet, deserving or not. So if you wish to participate in such salvation, you should make your major investments in the world of art.
At some point, we will offer the Art of Dorothy Swain Lewis for sale, at least in discrete small parts, perhaps prints, perhaps some of her major paintings, . . . if you are interested, please email us at dotlewis @ fifinella.com, and we will try to respond . . . Hopefully, we will have some pieces for sale on this website in the near future. Any questions, please call Albert Lewis at 800-844-4253
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